
:: book re^marks ::

My new favorite reading/writing aid? A Woodcut Alphabet book re^mark:

[photo courtesy of buyolympia]

It's a bookmark + 8-page notebook! Perfect for reading and taking notes. If you don't fancy that alphabet, there's also Space Journey, Rosy Rose, Majestic Mr. Owl, and Circle Code. Only $2.50 each and letterpress art to boot.

These All in Good Time file folders are brilliant as well:

[again, photo courtesy of buyolympia ~ one of my favorite online shops. Click each image to see larger.]

The folders read:
-Next Week
-Next Month
-Who Knows

Perhaps the Procrastinate set is more appropriate to my behavior. Yes, I'm afraid so.

1 comment:

shari said...

love those book remarks. such a nice idea.